2020 Quiltaway
December 9, 2020
Thank you so much for your donations. You are providing HOPE for many families this holiday season. In total we raised $9000!
The following people were the winners of the four quilts. Their donation number was randomly drawn live during Tipsy Tuesday, December 8th, episode #81. You can watch it HERE.
- Nova quilt ~ Barbara H
- Elvira quilt ~ Carmen G
- Harmony ~ Michelle H
- Hope ~ Isaura B
December 4, 2020
As I reflect on the past year and all the challenges we've been faced with, I can't help but be thankful, too. I have always know quilters are kind, inclusive, amazing artists, yet your enthusiasm for the Elvira, Hope, and Harmony Quiltalongs was stunning! I would never have anticipated participation from tens of thousands of quilters worldwide. Your generosity resulted in donations in excess of $43,000.
In Decembers past, my family and I have been able to share our gratitude directly to people in need by handing out quilts at the Harbor Lights Center in downtown Minneapolis. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we cannot do that this year. Instead, I will be a making monetary donation to three area non-profits that are close to my heart; the Salvation Army Harbor Lights Center, Mary's Place and Southern Valley Alliance. These three organizations offer shelter and hope to families and women in particular, who are in need.
I would like to offer Hope, Harmony, Elvira and Nova once more this year as an opportunity for you to join me with a donation.

- The Salvation Army Harbor Lights Center
- Sharing & Caring Hands, Mary's Place
- Southern Valley Alliance
- Special Guest Kathleen Johnson's CD can be found HERE.