Lakeside Toweling Home Decor Ideas
Faster than Fast & Furious? Hard to imagine, but it's true. With a little creativity and a minimal amount of work, we turned our 18" Wide Lakeside Toweling into some fabulous home decor pieces. These projects are an inexpensive way to give your home a little refresh and make perfect holiday and hostess gifts. Add some embroidery for a personalized gifts, too.
We stock five neutral, very on-trend colors ranging from a natural off white to black (which looks like a great deep charcoal color due to the weave). This fabric feels sooo good! It's 100% high quality, woven cotton from Moda. The long sides are already hemmed and ready for you. We decided to offer this in a 3.5 yard continuous piece so you can create multiple projects including long table runners and placemats. Actually, we created quite a few other things from that 3.5 yards. And for the record, none of these required a pattern.
*disclaimer, we're not all seamstresses. Some of us are more of the wing it type of crafters. We have provided rough estimations and instructions below. If you are looking for a pattern, we're sure you'll be able to Google for more precise instructions.
Table runners
(meet Henry, our Halloween guest of honor)

Placemats & Napkins
- Lakeside Toweling Silver placemats
- Lakeside Toweling Off White/Silver napkins

As you can see, we mixed different patterns of the toweling to create these pillows. Both Gudrun and Carn started by measuring some pillow forms that they had at home. We're all serious up-cyclers when it comes to pillows. These aren't too fancy, there are no zippers or envelope pockets here, even the button is fake! No button hole, it's only stitched on for decoration. Measure and cut to match the dimension of the pillow form, ie. if the form measures 18", you'll want an 18" x 18" square. That's how you get that nice tight fit. In this case, Gudrun and Carn decided to use two pieces that were left over. One measured approximately 10" and the other 7". Remove the existing hem, sew your pieces together leaving an opening, insert the pillow form and tops stitch the opening shut. Bam, you're done. :)
Next up, two projects which are NOT hard but do require a few more steps.
Tote bag
(I'd seriously suggest you find a pattern online to follow as my instructions here are sketchy!)
From Carn: begin with a piece 18"W x 16"H and cut off the hemmed sides. She took some smaller scrap pieces, sewed them together, finished the edges and added it to one piece for a pocket. Next step was to sew the two pieces together. She added a 3" gusset at the bottom to give it that flat bottom and stitched down the triangular corner pieces. It gives the bottom a little extra stability. Carn wanted a 32" strap, you can make this length whatever you want, so she cut a 33" x 5" piece, folded it in half, sewed it together inside out, turned it, tucked in the ends and stitched to the bag.
(again, hit the internet for a real pattern if this is new type of project for you)
- Lakeside Toweling Silver
- Dimples Cool Grey for the waistband/ties
From Carn: Determine the width of your apron, the hip to hip measurement. This one is 23"W x 18"H. Keep the hemmed edge for your top and bottom edges. Double fold, iron and hem the side edges. Darts were added approximately 6.5" from each edge and pinned. The waistband was cut from regular quilting cotton, in this case Dimples Cool Grey. Decide the length of the ties plus the waist band and cut that measurement by 5", i.e. 41" x 5". Fold in half, right sides together and sew leaving an wide opening centered on one long side the same dimension as your apron, in this case 23". Sew one of the open edges to the back top edge of the apron, right sides together, centering and making sure to catch the folded darts. Turn the waistband right sides out, fold over, give a quick iron and topstitch to the front of the apron. Now add a pocket if you'd like.
Dish Towel with contrast
While this is the last project and it looks fairly simple, writing instructions is beyond me. Gudrun stayed up trying to figure out how Carn did this. Ever the master and unwilling to let it go, she figured it out and will be sharing a demonstration during Happy Friday, October 29th at 3 PM CDT. Therefore, no instructions are given. Just a pretty picture!
Other inspirational projects from the Lakeside Toweling blog post at Moda Fabrics follow.
For more on these projects, watch Tipsy Tuesday, Episode #124.