Tip-Sy Tuesday, May 15, 2018
WOW! I am overwhelmed with the response from my first Tip-Sy Tuesday (5/2/18). Thank you so very much for watching, commenting, and sharing your questions, quilt projects and my posts! YOU are the reason I enjoy what I do.
If you missed either of the Tip-Sy Tuesday Live sessions, no worries, they are available under the Video tab on my GE Designs’ Facebook page. Instead of giving you a detailed recap of this latest episode, I thought I’d just give you the abridged version. You know, just enough to lure you in… Hahaha!
This episode of Tip-Sy Tuesday includes a number of videos, Stripology 101 Part 2, and 2 quick videos showing you how I make Fractions and Locus quilts. Plus, a few examples from quilting friends.
First, Stripology 101 Part 2:
3 more things you can do easily with your ruler:
- Make ¼” cuts, it’s really easier than you’d think!
- Use the diagonal lines to make diamonds, just like @rachelmakesquilts did in this photo she posted on her Instagram page. Thanks Rachel for sharing!

- Use the 10” white outlined square, i.e. trimming pre-cut 10” squares
Two quilts from my Stripology Squared book are great examples of these techniques.
- Velocity is the perfect quilt to demonstrate using the diagonal line to make those 60 degree diamonds. In addition to my quilt, I also showed examples created by Sue, Dorinda, Sherri and a sample by Mill Creek Quilting. It’s so great to see how color and pattern can change the look of a quilt.
- Fractions is an excellent example of using the 10” square to cut your pieces. What looks like an intricate quilt really isn’t!
Enticed? thought, so. Here's Stripology 101 Part 2.
Now, who wants the link to the BIG PRINT ¼” Cutting chart? Click here! And how many of you knew you should square up pre-cuts? Always!
Secondly, I love sharing quilts created by YOU. Here are more Fractions, Velocity and Locus quilts. Thank you for posting ladies!
from my Stripology Squared book
Row 1: Fractions quilts by Julia Hobbs Doy, Susanne Luhmer-Berglund, and Catherine Flowers
Row 2: Fractions, Velocity, and Locus quilts all by Dorinda Evans!
Finally, Sue Anderson was the Tip-Sy Tuesday Giveaway winner. She won the Rainbow Bundle of Batiks from Timeless Treasures and Stripology 2 book. Yay Sue!
I hope this Tip-Sy Tuesday was helpful and inspiring! The Stripology Squared Ruler is up next in the Stripology 101 series. Follow GE Designs on Facebook and @gedesignsgudrun on Instagram for future episodes.The Stripology 101 videos are posted on GE Designs’ YouTube channel. As always, I welcome your feedback and encourage you to Share with your friends!
Until next time, keep strippin’!