On Sale
Explore great deals on premium quilting essentials. Find discounted quilting fabrics, budget-friendly fabric bundles, and supplies that won't break the bank, all carefully curated by quilters, for quilters. From vibrant prints to versatile solids, find the perfect materials to bring your creative visions to life. Don't miss this opportunity to stock up on high-quality quilting treasures at unbeatable prices. Check back often for our WEEKLY deals on one-yd fabric, updated on Wednesdays!
Verdigris Glenelg Ink A824L
Woodland Wildflowers Royal Rounds Caramel 45587-22
Woodland Wildflowers Bold Bloom Caramel 45582-22
Woodland Wildflowers Mushrooms Rust 45585-24
Provisions Amber PWTH115.8
Provisions Crimson PWTH115.8
Provisions Indigo PWTH115
Provisions Linen PWTH115.8
Provisions Moss PWTH115.8
Provisions Onyx PWTH115.8
Provisions Patina PWTH115
Provisions Rose PWTH115.8
Provisions Sage PWTH115
Provisions Stone PWTH115
Provisions Vineyard PWTH115
Solidish Wine C6100 CC
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